Artist Statement
I have worked in watercolor, oil and mixed media, primarily dealing with still-life, botanical/landscape and non-objective content. I am interested in finding an essential dynamic underlying the visual content. For example, when working toward a portrait, I am less interested in attempting to produce an exact likeness and more interested in trying to convey something of the uniqueness of the individual. I often explore the bringing together of various formal elements to create different types of relationships - both within a work and between works in outwardly dissimilar styles. Some examples of this process might include the incorporation of elements of both drawing and painting in a work and the use of color to articulate form. I am consistently interested in the relationship of foreground and background and how they inter-relate and share significance. Perhaps most important for me is the use of gesture to create rhythm and coherence. Finally - I find myself always searching for the expressive line – in both the subject itself and in the drawing or painting process.
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